avanguardia alla foce del Po
avant-garde at the mouth of the Po river
avant-garde at the mouth of the Po river
Ambiente elegante e futuristico, caratterizzato dall'utilizzo di materiali dal gusto vintage con una punta nostalgica. La notevole metratura permette la creazione di aree dedicate.
Elegant and futuristic, characterized by the use of materials from the vintage style a bit nostalgic. The large surface allows the creation of dedicated areas.
Elegant and futuristic, characterized by the use of materials from the vintage style a bit nostalgic. The large surface allows the creation of dedicated areas.
Un rivestimento curvo dallo sviluppo di quasi 8mt addolcisce i numerosi ed irregolari spigoli del locale ed alloggia gli espositori nelle fenditure create ad arte per ospitarli.
A curved cladding by the development of nearly 8m softens the numerous and irregular edges of the room and embedes the display in the crevices created on purpose to house them.
A curved cladding by the development of nearly 8m softens the numerous and irregular edges of the room and embedes the display in the crevices created on purpose to house them.
Sala refrazione, laboratorio e zona attesa convivono in armonia senza celarsi alla vista.
Refraction room, lab and waiting area live in harmony without hide themselves from view.
Refraction room, lab and waiting area live in harmony without hide themselves from view.
La primedonne si mettono in mostra in uno spazio a loro dedicato...
The first ladies are put on display in a space dedicated to them ...
The first ladies are put on display in a space dedicated to them ...
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